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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Surgery- Gall bladder

I need my gall bladder removed.  Since the stroke I have dozens of little stones that have formed in it, and cannot be on any statins because they give me an attack.  (Doctor point of contention "There are no studies that show statins cause gall stones").  Well, doctors. When you put me on statins they give me an attack. When I don't take statins, the attacks stop unless I do something like, say, for instance, eat a brownie. A big one. Or down something cooked with lots of dairy.
Since I am "getting" the importance of being on a statin as a preventative, it is better for me to do this surgery when I am still relatively young with minimal health issues at this point.  (Do I really get to say that with a stroke and deadish head tumor floating around in my head -- I am saying it anyway). The stones may have been caused by my sudden diet change or weight loss (35 pounds over a year, no more any fried foods or burgers...75% less meat consumption) and in some ways it does not matter. A gall bladder attack is something I am getting very tired of.  Hours on the bathroom floor worshipping the white ceramic toilet.  Absolutely hands-down an unthrilling stomach venture.  And they always happen at night, so it pretty much wipes out the next day.
Unrelated milestone I passed... the two year mark since the stroke.  It is true, the first year was the sketchiest.  I went to the hospital for more weird episodic head stuff than I have in the last 9 months.  It seems like things have stabilized. For my age and demographic, three years is the mark of going back down to only having a 3%  risk of recurrent stroke (10 times greater than the non-stroked general population), rather than 30%.  I should search Deans blog for more current research than 20+ year old stuff out of England but I liked what this one said.  I am a person that likes to know things, but truly the data on strokes is heavy, depressing, and hopeless sounding.  I went to a very dark place post-stroke because of how it was presented (and having many in the health care industry visibly give up on preventative health care for me) like I had one foot in the grave. Technically, we all are going to the same place, so that is a ridiculous attitude to have.  I am glad (?) maybe not the right word, to know what my body has a propensity for so I can manage my life better.  And, I get to say that, because, really, what choice do I have?  -
My Mom's Day present from the kids this year. 


  1. "having many in the health care industry visibly give up on preventative health care for me"

    I think they're just nuts. Some times doctors think they know everything, and, really, there is a vast amount they don't know. The good ones know they don't know.

    Weight loss messed up my GI system temporarily. They don't tell you these things when they say, Go on a diet :-)

    1. I thought I would wait it out and maybe they would stabilize...but I am giving up. And yes, doctors are very human. And I think I am (anyone with a stroke) a personal fear to them. That is what I have concluded after going to docs pre and post stroke. There is definitely a difference, and it seems strange.

  2. If you search google scholar with 'statins gallstones', you get this report
    Statin Use and Risk of Gallstone Disease Followed by Cholecystectomy, with this conclusion; Conclusion Long-term use of statins was associated with a decreased risk of gallstones followed by cholecystectomy. But your doctor probably doesn't even know about any of the listed research.

  3. I had my gall bladder removed way before my stroke. Attacks are just painful. Worse than the pain of child birth with out the benefits.

    I can no longer take any statins for my cholesterol because of severe muscle spasms throughout my body. Wrecks havoc with my sugar levels and blood pressure too.

    After you have your gall bladder out you might not be able to eat certain foods like onions. FYI.

    1. Blood pressure...does it lower or raise yours? Bummer on onions- I like them! But you are correct it is not worth the pain.

  4. It does seem as though having a stroke brings enough medical issues for us to deal with, so that we shouldn't have any more.

    1. I agree! My doctor who retired said to me "you need to stop being medically interesting" --
